Friday, October 10, 2008

Fall trip on the Oxtoungue River, Algonquin Park

Fall trip on the Oxtoungue River, Algonquin Park
Originally uploaded by Pie's Photography

I took a canoe trip in Algonquin Park with my dog Tasha - she make a terrific canoe partner. It was the peak of the fall colours - it was exactly what i needed - wish I could have spent more time there...


jim said...


I am a colleague of your brother Matt here in Brampton.

I can't tell you how jealous I am of your trip. You, a canoe, your dog and your camera - what else could you ask for.

I regularly check out your blog and am quite impressed with your photography. Great work.

Jim Krale

Corey Pietryszyn said...

Thanks Jim, Appreciate the comment - and you're right, what more could I've ask for. A trip to remember...