Saturday, January 30, 2010 the yard... the yard...
Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography
hanging out with Parker & noticed how bright & even the light was the yard the yard
Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography
this old fence borders on the edge of my very narrow yard.
Drag River
Drag River
Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography
Finally! Some fresh snow - 6 or 7 inches fell.
Skyline panorama / Town of Haliburton
Skyline panorama / Town of Haliburton
Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography
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Friday, January 29, 2010
A cold night for a walk
A cold night for a walk
Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography
The cable shutter release had ice crystals forming on it!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography
This is a repost from earlier on of my Flickr career but it deserved to see the light of day once again.
The group of dogs had just finished a full day of tours & they were getting loaded up in to the trucks for the ride home. I noticed Chris with his nose pressed up against the bars & saw the near symmetry of the shot. Those eye’s can sure tell a lot – but contrary to popular belief they are not showing contempt or disdain – he was just really tired & was about to nod off.
Note: these boxes are the dogs home away from home – it is filled up with clean hay & they love nothing more than to curl up & snooze away the trip - it is the safest way to travel!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Rip, Randy & Mr. Bars
Rip, Randy & Mr. Bars
Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography
See what happens when you ask nicely! Ya, right!
This was taken the same season as the previous image after a half day run so the dogs had most of their piss & vinegar out of them. Ripper, the one who is standing, was an exceptional lead dog (& still is) for a team that ran the Yukon Quest before he came to Winterdance. Randy, the dog in the middle, was Rip’s partner in crime. Randy was pretty much the opposite of Rip – timid & frightened of most people, but once he got to know you, he loved the attention. And then there was Mr. Bars. Apparently he was a perfect specimen of a Siberian Husky – he has a Canadian championship under his belt to prove it!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Lazer, Goliath, Thunder & Lightening
Lazer, Goliath, Thunder & Lightening
Originally uploaded by Chasing Light Studio ~ Pie's Photography
Here's an oldie, but a goody.
I took this back in the winter of 2000/01 when I started working for Winterdance -
I was one of their lead guides for around 7 seasons – absolutely the most fun & exciting job I have ever could have the privilege to call work. The animals are impressive to put it simply.
This shot was soooo lucky. I was using my 75 – 300 mm zoom lens on my EOS Rebel film camera. With f11 set & my focus set on a spot that I knew the team would be passing over, I readied myself for the team to come around the bend. When they did, Lazer, the blue eyed tanned dog nearly charged over me with the sled & all – I definitely got his attention!
More dogs & dogsledding images to come from the archives soon.