Sir Sams Ski Hill{Fall_Parker}
Originally uploaded by Pie's Photography
Such a great view from Sir Sam’s Ski Hill – before you know it this all will be covered in snow…
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Such a great view from Sir Sam’s Ski Hill – before you know it this all will be covered in snow…
I'm running around the county like a mad man this last week. The fall colours are the best I have ever seen. probably at peek this weekend.
Went into town for about an hour of work this evening & when I was finished I took a walk around and came across 3 volunteer Fire Fighters working on the trucks - taking inventory & testing equipment
the sunset tonight was spectactular - clear conditions all day then this weather front moved in & we are expecting rain for the weekend.
Another calm evening on the lake - paddled to the end to these trees to see what I could find...
This rapid is about half a km. down stream from the log chute - the river is a great spot for taking an inner tube or paddle through its meandering banks.
This log chute has been re-created from the good old days & an interpretive sign erected giving the history of the logging industry in the area - really beatiful spot.
I think the colours this fall are going to be amazing. With all the rain we've had, the tree canopy is so thick & full, should be a real spectacle!
I've been scouring the county for run down barns & shacks - this one was tucked out of the way in a farmers field, I missed it when I drove by the first time but on my way back I caught sight of it in the dimming light.
Took the long way home this night - traveled along a road that I haven't been on very often & I came across this barn, still lots to explore in this area & I can't wait to get out that way again.
another spot that I rushed to - madly setting up the tripod - trying to compose something that is half decent before the sun completely disapears...
& yes, that is a costume dress hanging from the front of the barn - why? good question.
recently took a stroll through the town of Gooderham, fondly known as BetterPork
This was taken just after Parker & I saw the pair of deer - great view, no huge signs of fall foilage coming through
this image was taken a week ago before any real colour in the leaves started to show - starting to see some obvious changes now - looking forward to getting some great landscape shots!
This caught my eye in my parents garden last weekend - had a good visit with the family & its newest addition!
Uploaded by Pie's Photography
There is all sorts of little gems like this in & around the highlands - great driving country